Monday, May 20, 2013

To me one of the best places to think is the shower. Theres something about the water running over you washing away that day thats relaxing. In the shower behind the closed doors of the bathroom theres no sound except for the rushing of the water and your thoughts.  Theres no one there to judge you for whatever you are thinking, or feeling at the time.  I always find when I have a problem or a question on my mind or I even cant figure out how to start a piece of homework or an essay the best thing to do is go take a shower and the words start coming to me.  All problems are worked out in the calming beat of the hot water against your skin.  There have been days when I was fighting with my parents or friends and ive taken three showers in a day. I guess to me its not really a happy place but the one place i can solidly think. I can just stand there and shut out thoughts of school and people and just let me mind go where it wants to.  The thoughts that come into my mind sometimes make me stop and wonder where did that come from, but often times I just let my mind go and itll go to some really cool places.  I always hate that moment getting out of the shower, not just because its so cold because thats when reality kicks back in. Almost instantaneously thughts of oh I have to do chemistry homework, and math homework and go to the gym and omg regents are coming up.... Unfortunatly nothing can change reality and all the things that people have to face, but a shower can offer a moment of relief, a moment of happiness where theres nothing but you trapped in the warm steam enjoying the hot water and just letting your thoughts be.


  1. I really liked this post! I totally understand how you feel. Whenever I take showers they're just so relaxing and it gives me 10 minutes out of my busy day to just think and be to myself. I think it's important to take time and just relax and contemplate everything throughout your day, or your life (if you really wanna get deep and philosophical.)Great post!

  2. Haha Dakota's able to limit herself to ten minutes :P I'm incapable of such discipline. But this is a really nice post. I completely agree that the shower is a great place to think and escape and the metaphorical "cleansing" of yourself (both physically and mentally)is a fantastically peaceful feeling.
